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[OPIC Script] Transportaion


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교통은 오픽에서 랜덤 토픽으로 구분될 것입니다. 나올 수도 안 나올수도 있고... 그렇다면 최소한으로도 준비는 해야겠죠. 제 지인은 머리를 좀 써서 여러 토픽들에서 공통적으로 쓸 수 있는 paragraph를 많이 만들어서, 어떤 문제가 나와도 단어들을 잠깐 바꾸어서 순발력 있게 대응하는 전략으로 시험 준비를 하시는 분도 봤습니다. 
이런 만능 문장, template을 좀 찾아봐서 공유해드려 보도록 하겠습니다. 생각해보니 오픽 시험 준비하시는 분들에 실질적으로 좋은 정보이겠네요!

작년에 가을에 영어연수 동안에 Transportaion 주제에 대해서 수업시간에 연습한 개인 Script를 공유드립니다.  오픽 준비하시는데 작은 도움이 되었으면 합니다. 선생님이 중요하다고 말씀한 부분은 굵은 글씨로 표시했습니다. 기출문제 중에서 많이 나오는 문제에 대해서 작성한 사항으로 교통 주제는 하기 문제를 준비하시면 거의 대부분을 커버하실 것으로 생각합니다. 

1. Transportation system in your country
Um, okay, So we have an efficient public transportation system which includes subway trains and buses. If you get a transportation card or pass, or even use your credit card for the pass, it allows you to use all the modes of transit. You can transfer between buses as well as between buses and subways. I find this really appealing. So I often take advantage of this system. 


2. Tell me about a time when you had trouble due to a certain mode of transportation. 
When I was a new employee, I worked overtime almost every day. Also, I often worked on weekends, too. One day, I left the office late at night by bus. But I fell asleep and missed my stop. I was embarrassed at that time. Because the place is outside of the city and there is no transportation anywhere at late night. So I called my parents to ask for help. Fortunately, I was able to come back home.


3. comparison transportation  vs today in your country
I would say that Korea's public transportation system has changed for the better. In the past, public transportation was much less convenient. For example, we couldn’t know when the bus would arrive at the station. and there weren’t special lanes for buses, So they would often run behind schedule because of traffic jams. Nowadays, the system is much more efficient. Buses have their own lanes and bus arrives in the station on time. In addition, we can transfer at no extra charge.



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