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[OPIC Script] Business, industry



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오늘은 조금 opic random topic 중 좀 어려울 수 있는 주제인 산업입니다. 솔직히 산업이라고 하면 많은 사람들의 관심에서 벗어난 주제인 것 같습니다. 평소 경제신문을 많이 보는 사람들에게는 어느 정도 쉬울 수 있는데, 이게 영어로 표현을 해야 하니 일상적인 표현도 어려운 수준인데 거참. 여하튼 어렵습니다. 

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개인적으로 산업에 대한 주제에 대해서 작성했었던 script 공유드립니다. 이 스크립트 작성한 당시를 기억해보니 오픽 책에서 일부 내용을 참고해서 작성했던 거 같습니다. 너무 생각나는 게 없어서...

오픽 기출문제 중에서 많이 나오는 문제에 대해서 작성한 사항입니다.

해당 내용에 대해서 선생님 첨삭을 받았는 내용들입니다. 많이 참고하셔서 활용하셔서 좋은 점수 받으시길 기원합니다.

1) Tell me about one of the major industries or companies in your nation. How has this industry or company achieved such a high level of success?
I think that a major industry in my nation is the entertainment industry. Recently, Korean entertainment is popular all over the world. There are a lot of movies, K-Pop and drama and so on. The reason why Korean entertainment is popular is that there are many attractive musicians and creators. well-known singers are PSY, BTS, and black pink, and famous directors in Korea are bong-jun-ho, Kim-gi-duck and Pack-chan-uk. Especially Korean movies are receiving many awards internationally for their high quality. Also, they are being released overseas. Once again, the entertainment industry is one of the most promising industries in Korea.


2) Describe an industry in your country that has undergone significant change. What is its current state? Describe some of the changes that have occurred. Provide specific examples of how that industry or company has developed. 
I think that the food industry has undergone significant change in my country. In the past, we generally made food at home and ate it. We could get food by growing vegetables ourselves. These days, on the other hand, there are many kinds of restaurants around us. And there are more professional restaurants and people almost every day eat out. And there are not many people who grow fruits or vegetables themselves these days. Moreover, any fruit can be eaten in every season due to the development of farming techniques.


3) Tell me about the company you want to work for. Why? What does the company provide as compensation? What is the most important thing when choosing a company to work for? Tell me everything in detail. 
I want to work for a large company like LG Chemical. Because I can get paid well, and those large companies provide their employees with lots of benefits. In addition, they provide their employees with the opportunity to receive various kinds of education. When I choose a company, the most important thing is work and balance. Because, I think I can have my free time such as hanging out with friends, playing with kids, reading books and go on a picnic and so on. That’s why I select work and balance.



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