[OPIC Script] Community and Festivals
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어제 태안반도로 여행을 다녀왔는데, 연휴 기간이라 그런지 우리나라 사람들이 모두 태안반도에 있는 느낌이었습니다. 어딜 가도 사람들이 많이 있었습니다. 해외를 못 나가니 우리나라 유명 여행지에 더욱더 많은 사람들이 오는 것 같습니다. 저희도 요즘 자주 여행을 다니는데요! 국내도 가볼 만한 곳이 많이 있는 것 같습니다. 다음에는 남쪽 지방으로 여행을 가고 싶은데 멀어서... 요즘 날씨가 부쩍 쌀쌀해졌습니다. 감기 바이러스 조심하십시오.
오늘은 random topic인 지역단체나 지역행사와 관련해서 제가 수업시간에 작성한 스크립트 공유드립니다.
오픽 기출문제 중에서 많이 나오는 문제에 대해서 작성한 사항입니다.
해당내용에 대해서 선생님 첨삭을 받은 부분입니다. 선생님이 중요하다고 말씀하신 부분은 굵은 글씨로 표시했습니다. 조금이나마 도움이 되셨으면 합니다.
1) First/Last, memorable experience festival
I went to the mud festival in 대천 beach with my wife last summer. It was held in 대천 beach every summer. We could see the playground filled with mud in the center of the beach. We changed into swimsuits in the locker room, paid a fee to enter the playground. We enjoyed playing in the mud such as mud shower, mud sliding and mud fighting, and so on. My whole body was covered with mud color, but it was such a fun experience and I enjoyed
2) How have community activities changed over the years? How are the activities that happened in the past different from the ones now? What are some differences and similarities?
I guess in the past that festivals and community activities did not happen often. Because overall, the economy was not very wealthy. I don't think the conditions were good for promoting it. But, there are many kinds of festivals and communities these days. The event’ is also fun, so many people attend and enjoy them. Large companies also support the cost of festival events to promote the event. Festivals and communities will continue to grow in the future.
3) Tell me about the issues that come up in your community related to housing matters. Why is it an issue? What do people talk about related to the issue?
Recently, We have a problem with high housing prices in my community. Tenants can’t have a house to rent because the rent fee is very high. The landlords are burdened with high taxes. The government is implementing a policy to limit home transactions to stabilize housing prices, but it is counterproductive. It is time for the government to respond urgently.