[OPIC Script] Bank
오늘은 글이 잘 안 써지네요! 올해 계획한 목표를 달성하기 위한 열성적인 면도 시들해진 요즘입니다.
좋은 글 먼저 소개하고 시작하겠습니다.
내가 목표에 달성한 비밀을 말해줄게 나의 강점은 바로 끈기야
- 루이 파스퇴르
뭔가 원하는 것을 얻기 위해서는 끈기, 꾸준함이 정말 중요한 것 같습니다. 중간에 포기하지 않는 것도 중요하고요! 거참. 중간에 포기하지 않고 꾸준하게 실행하는 쉬운 방법 뭐 없을까요! 아시는 분은 댓글 부탁드리겠습니다.
오늘도 격주로 소개해드리는 작년 제가 작성해봤던 오픽 토픽 중 random topic인 "Bank" script 전달드립니다.
오픽 기출문제 중에서 많이 나오는 문제에 대해서 작성한 사항입니다.
해당 내용에 대해서 선생님 첨삭을 받았는 내용들입니다. 많이 참고하셔서 활용하셔서 좋은 점수 받으시길 기원합니다.
1) recent visit to the bank. What did you do there? What happened?
I went to the bank near my office to exchange foreign currency. Because I would go travel overseas with my family. The bank was very crowded. I had to wait 30 minutes. It was my turn and I gave my ID card and currency to the bank teller. She suggested if I became a member here they would give me some discounts. I got a 5% discount to exchange currency thanks to the bank teller.
2) What do you do from the moment you walk into a bank? Tell me the whole process.
Before I go to the bank, I prepare my ID card. I usually go to kook-min bank which is super close to my work. It’s actually just around the corner from my office building. It takes about 5 minutes from my work to the bank on foot. As soon as I get to the bank, I take a numbered ticket and wait. When It is my turn and I give my ID card to a bank teller. I withdraw some money from my account and leave the bank.
3) past vs present bank
In the past, I went to the bank to withdraw money. Also, we need a bank book and a seal to withdraw. There were not many banks in the city. These days, we can withdraw using a mobile phone comfortably. There are many banks around us. We can use the online bank regardless of time and location.
4) problem bank
5years ago, I went to a woo-ri bank to deposit various kinds of coins. I gave my coins to the teller. But she demanded that the coins be sorted out and delivered. There were lots of coins, so I could not sort them. So I left the bank without my deposit. Since it happened, I don’t go woo-ri bank because I know it’s unkind.
5) Describe the banks in your country. Where are they usually located and what are they like? What hours are banks typically open there?(moc test)
In Korea, there are around 6 major banks. These banks have many branches. This branch can be found on nearly every corner. Inside a bank, you can see a customer lobby, bank teller, an area where we can consult on loans. Outside a bank, there are usually several ATMs. Banks are typically open from 9 am until around 4 pm. I think that banks in Korea are really convenient and we can get excellent customer service.